Child, Youth and Family Engagement Program

This program is funded through the Department of Communities and Justice under their Targeted Earlier Intervention Program (TEI).

It aims to target children, young people, families and communities within NSW who are experiencing, or at risk of, vulnerability.

With a focus on early help and support, the objective of the TEI program is to provide targeted services at the point where they can have the most impact.

MVNS recognizes:

  • The significance of culture and identity in safety for Aboriginal children and young people in their families and broader communities
  • Support parents to meet the physical and material needs of their children
  • Support parents to meet the emotional needs and development of their children through warm and nurturing interactions and encouragement
  • Assist young people to stay connected with their family and make positive life choices as they move into adulthood
  • Actively engage with children, families and communities experiencing vulnerabilities, working with them to provide the services they need, which may involve coordinating service provision across the sector
  • Help communities to support and protect their members, through building stronger social connections and support networks


Current regular programs:

Whats Cooking?

Youth Mowing Mob

Youth Radio training – partnership with 2BOB radio