Old Courthouse Community Gardens
Old Courthouse Community Gardens Brochure
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- to show and inspire people of all ages that an ordinary backyard can be transformed into a beautiful, interesting and practical space.
- to create a recreational and educational garden space for all community members
- provide space and opportunity to learn about gardening
- provide opportunities for community members to ‘link in’ with others share and develop resources and skills learn skills and techniques around sustainable gardening measures
The front garden of the old courthouse has a traditional garden in keeping with the building’s historical status. However we wanted the unused backyard to show, in some small way, how important and enjoyable it can be to grow something for oneself.
General Information
The Manning Valley Community Gardens continue to grow on many levels and as new members arrive and contribute to the success of the garden the future opportunities continue to expand.
The Gardens are integrally linked to our Manning Valley Cooperative Living Program and provides food for various programs. It also relies on volunteer labour and ideas for which we are very grateful as without them there would be no gardens. We are always open to new ideas and energy.
Come and enjoy – the public are encouraged to use this space as a recreational area, workshops etc. We encourage people to provide donations for the use of or anything removed from the gardens as a way to continue viability.
Seedlings – our shade house provides the opportunity to grow seedlings which is a resource for workshops, but also provides an option to raise funds through sales.
Workshops – we run workshops from time to time and are happy to consider ideas for the future and/or people to coordinate them.