Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Program (CLSD)

The Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program is a regionally-based approach to legal service delivery in NSW that aims to improve outcomes for economically and socially disadvantaged people by building cooperative and strategic networks of key legal services and community organisations.
CLSD is based on the theory that better coordination and cooperation in the planning and delivery of legal services will enhance the efficient and effective use of scarce resources and improve access to justice for disadvantaged people.
CLSD Program objectives
CLSD aims for continuous improvements to service delivery through better alignment of planning, program design and service delivery within and across the various legal and related sectors covered by the Program.
The Program’s three main objectives are to ensure that:
- Economically and socially disadvantaged people are able to efficiently and effectively access legal services which can help them to understand, protect and enforce their legal rights and interests;
- Consideration is given to legal need and equity in the provision of legal services and resources; and
- Planning and delivery of legal services is approached in a coordinated and cooperative manner between service providers.
More Information
For more information on the CLSD program go to – Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Program (CLSD) – Legal Aid NSW
From the above link you will find:
- Meeting dates & minutes
- Regional Profile
- Regional Action plan
- Legal Advice in this region
- CLSD Fact sheet
Click here to view and download our Guide To Free Legal Help In Taree, Forster & Gloucester.
Contact Info
Taree Forster CLSD Regional Coordinator
Kate Darnell
Phone: 6553 5121 or 0417 053 945