Neighbourhood Centre
Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services Inc. (MVNS) operates a Neighbourhood Centre that provides:
- Facilitates a range of networks for community services (eg MV Interagency, MV Collaborate)
- Information & Referral Service
- Outreach Services – financial counselling, legal advice, and gambling counselling (to make an appointment for any of these services please email us here and we will forward your message to the appropriate service)
- Advocacy
- Community Development (more information below)
- Financial assistance to families and individuals in financial crisis
- Tax Help for low income earners
- Office resource, including free computer and internet access
- Other resources for community worker use
- Training and support for volunteers who enable us to facilitate many of our services

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MC with Rob Oakeshott

Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services03

Circartus workshop 3 Jan 23

A. Saunders art 10 Jan 23




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MVNS is committed to community development – what does this mean?
Community development means that a community itself engages in a process aimed at improving the social, economic and environmental situation of the community.
Community development improves the ability of communities to collectively make better decisions about the use of resources such as infrastructure, labour and knowledge.
MVNS is one avenue for facilitating such outcomes. We want to contribute to positive outcomes and seek long term solutions for community issues rather than quick fixes.