A Board Members’ Role is Voluntary and Includes:

  • Thinking strategically to support the position, sustainability and efficacy of MVNS 
  • Understanding the legal obligations of the Board and their fiduciary duties 
  • An ability to read and comprehend the organisations accounts and financial reports 
  • Being able to identify risks and provide advice on risk management strategies relevant to MVNS context 
  • Ensuring effective governance of the organisation
  • Following through with commitments

* Mentoring, training and support for all of the above where necessary)

The Board is the legal entity for the organisation and Board members represent the interests of the organisations’ stakeholders including service users, staff, donors, philanthropic bodies and government. The Board is entrusted to ensure that the organisation is soundly managed for the benefit of all. 

Skills and Attributes

  • An alignment with MVNS’ values and commitment to our vision and mission.
  • Skills that align with our service delivery and cover gaps in the Board expertise. Currently for example: strategic planning, change management, writing funding applications
  • People who align with the community we represent eg young people; early childhood; Aboriginal communities; people with a migrant background; socially and financially disadvantaged
  • The availability and commitment to participate in Board meetings.
  • Enthusiasm
  • Willingness to utilise networks to progress MVNS’ mission.
  • Must undertake a Police Check, a Working with Children Check and be prepared to undertake Child Protection training.
  • Not essential but desirable:
    • Previous experience on a not-for-profit board.
    • Understanding of community development
    • Willingness to take on leadership/sub committee roles from time to time



Approximately 6 hours per month. The MVNS board meets monthly (under review).  There is no meeting in January.

  • We understand that other priorities often need to take priority however, 80% board meetings is preferred
  • Meetings are held during business hours on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 9.15am – 11.15am
  • Some email business between meetings
  • Planning day – ½ day TBA
  • 2 x MVNS events annually eg training



On appointment to the Committee, there will be an induction process.  Please allow approximately two hours.

If you are interested, we would love to hear from you!  Please email Chairperson Susan Ballard sueballard3@bigpond.com and provide an EOI referencing the above information.


Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services (MVNS) is a public, non-profit, welfare, charitable and benevolent organisation whose objects shall be to provide aid and assistance to relieve the conditions of suffering and helplessness of the socially and economically disadvantaged people residing, volunteering and working in the Manning Valley and surrounding LGA’s.  We aim for a fair and inclusive society with reduced poverty and inequality.

We are now in our 45th year of service delivery.

Our Vision

Strong and resilient communities where individuals, families and communities have increased capability, interconnections and partnerships

Our Mission

MVNS is a community development organisation that resources and empowers individuals, groups and the community in the Manning Valley and surrounding LGA’s to address issues that affect them.

Our Priorities

·      Promote public knowledge of government and non-government community services, needs and resources, and advance human and civil rights for the disadvantaged in our community.

·      Provide support services and relief to those community members suffering poverty and misfortune via material assistance, case work and direct service programs

·      Provide social, recreational, educational and support services/activities specifically designed to address identified community needs through direct service programs and support groups.

·      Initiate and participate in research and identify and develop programs with practical application that improve the quality of life for those mentioned above.

·      Promote the capacity of marginalised members of our community to access resources that will enable them to participate equally in community life.

·      Resource and empower individuals, groups and the community to address issues that affect them.

·      Develop and maintain networks, support and liaise with government and non-government agencies, to ensure effective and efficient service provision and community development.

·      Commitment to the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian Child Safe Standards


Number of Paid Staff: 6


A person should never accept a Management Committee position without knowing what they are signing up for.

The Management Committee is responsible for providing good governance to MVNS. Governance is the structures and processes by which an organisation sets goals, monitors performance, maintains viability and ensures compliance with legal requirements and ethical standards.

The Management Committee is a group of people with the collective authority to establish the Vision and strategic goals for an organisation.

Good governance also allows an organisation to:

  • Have a ‘big picture’ vision and appropriate strategies to realise the vision
  • Be accountable to its’ membership
  • Achieve its stated objectives
  • Support its employees to pursue the full range of their job descriptions

A committee should be comprised of people who are prepared to:

  • Devote time, commitment and consistent effort to MVNS.
  • Develop background knowledge of MVNS and understand our mission and purpose and programs.
  • Develop their skills as a committee member
  • Undertake training where appropriate (at least 2 free opportunities provided per year)

When you agree to take on a Management Committee role you are accepting a range of legal, moral and ethical responsibilities. You should therefore have a good knowledge of the community group you are being asked to govern, how it works, why it exists, and how it does what it does. You need to know who you will be governing alongside, what role you will be expected to fulfil and what skills and how much time you will need to devote to the role.

You will also need to examine your own reasons for wanting to join a Management Committee and what you hope to get out of your service – this will help you to decide whether or not your expectations can be fulfilled.


See the link here for the full EOI Board Member Overview document.