Venue Hire at MVNS

Looking for a venue in Wingham – we may have just what you need!

Wingham Courthouse – a unique venue for hire!

The Old Wingham Courthouse in Farquhar Street, Wingham is still a hive of activity, even though court has not been in session there for many years. The features of the 1930’s building create a wonderful atmosphere, steeped in local history. Tall tales and true continue to this day of the goings on there. The Courthouse is part of the historic streetscape surrounding Central Park, including other buildings of great historical significance such as the Museum and the School of Arts building.

The Courthouse is available for hire to individuals or groups. The Courtroom is a large space, still with some of the original fittings, which is big enough for a training session or group meeting. Currently a number of local groups use this space, but new groups are always welcome!
Hire of this room includes use of the kitchen and amenities of the Courthouse Community Centre.
Bookings and enquiries can be made by calling Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services on 6553 5121.

The old Courthouse in Wingham houses Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services.

We have now taken over the bookings for this unique space!

MVNS is located in a central part of Wingham opposite Central Park and has a lovely rural feel overlooking the flats of the Manning River.  We have a medium size space available (the old courtroom) which seats approx 25 people in theatre style or approx 15 people in meeting format.  It is also ideal for small groups.  We also have an office space which is available for outreach services, client face to face work and small meetings.


Hourly Hire: $15.00
Morning Session – 9am -1pm : $44.00
Afternoon Session – 1pm – 5pm : $44.00
Evening Session – 5pm onwards: $44.00
All Day Session: $66.00
Tea & Coffee provided $20.00
(for approx 10 people)  
Daily Hire $22.00
Hourly rate negotiable  

There are kitchen facilities available and a lovely community garden which you are free to wander through. The gardens also contain a wood fired pizza oven which is perfect for fundraisers – call us (02) 6553 5121 on for more information!!

Here’s more Information regarding conditions of use and Venue Hire Agreement:

Conditions of Use – Court House

Conditions of Use – Spare Office

MVNS Venue Hire Agreement

History of the Wingham Courthouse

On Friday the 25th of February 1938, Mr. L O Martin, Minister for Justice and Member for Oxley, set the foundation stone. The new courthouse took just 9 months to build. The building itself is constructed from bricks made at the brickworks of the late Mr Mark Baker of Kolodong.
Tallowwood floors were used throughout. The official opening of the Courthouse was held on Friday the 24 th of November 1938. Wingham Mayor Alderman EL Keech handed over a key to Mr L O Martin. Mr. LO Martin performed the unveiling of the tablet, and the national anthem was sung by local school children.

The courthouse ceased operations as a courthouse of Justice in the 1980’s. Purchased by GTCC in 1991, the building was re-opened in 1993 as the Wingham Courthouse Community Centre, and since then the grand old building has continued to provide a focal point in the Wingham Community. Originally housing the Wingham Courthouse Arts and Craft Co-op, and the Wingham Community Centre, the heritage-listed building is now permanently home to Manning Valley Neighbourhood Services Inc. but is also used regularly by other community groups via hire of the courtroom.